
Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Hoppin Freebie!

Denise over at Sunny Days in Second Grade inspired me with her Task Cards.  I find that they are incredibly awesome and have so many uses, especially to challenge those quicker workers and high achievers to learn something new on their own.  

Another idea for them you could also use them as an Anticipatory Set for the whole class and read them books, magazines, and internet articles about rabbits and then see what they know.

Thus my first freebie for you all is born. Click here to go to Google Docs to grab All About Rabbits.  Of course I had to make my first freebie having to do with something that hops. haha  

It is completely 100% far from perfect, I will tell you all that right now.  I used Word 97 to create it and for the life of me could not get the crazy table to be the same size.  I spent a couple of hours fiddling just with that!  I figure the children really could careless anyway.  We are harder on ourselves than they are.  Feel free to print them on card stock and cut them down to the same size if you want or covert it back to Word and fix it!

If anyone has any tips on keeping it all the same size feel free to send them my way!  I am learning as I go!

I look forward to any feedback on doing a better job next time and/or making this one even better!

Brian :-)


  1. Cute Cute Cute, Brian! Don't worry too much about the tables - you'll get there. I find it helps to use the Show/Hide button in Word - it looks like a backwards "P". It shows the invisible characters in your document, which can sometimes mess with your alignment and spacing. Nice job on your first Hoppin' Freebie!!

    Dream Big,

  2. YOU DID great! I also use Word, so no worries. Baby "hops" should I say instead of baby steps? hehe

  3. Thanks so much Suzy and Mary!!! Thanks for the tip on the Show/Hide button I'll remember that Suzy! Baby hops I love it Mary! haha

    Here's a funny one for ya'll. The Kindergarten children have a hard time with my name so they come up their own name for me: Mr. H, Mr. Hop, or Mr. Hopper. hehe

  4. I love it! DREAM BIG, my friend! I'm rooting for you!

  5. Thank you both!!! I sure will dream big, count on that! :-)

  6. Great idea! Thanks for sharing.


  7. Ooh ... as a teacher librarian I love anything that makes the kids think and exercise their brains. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Ms. O,
    First off thank you so much for being follower #50!!! Wow, I got there quicker than I could imagine!

    Second of all I am so happy it is something you can use! Let me know how the kids like it. :-) If you want click the FB button and join me on FB. I try to post an awesome book every day. Some that aren't as popular in libraries, but I know the kids would love them! :-)

  9. Looks great. One idea that helped my blog is to add pictures to the post. Then it makes it easier for people to pin your post to Pinterest. Just a suggestion. ;) Keep taking baby hops.
    Life with Mrs. L

  10. Mrs. L. Thank you so much for your tip! I have not learned how to put a picture on there yet. It's something I hope to learn how to do though as I have no doubt your right people will pin it and then that will drive traffic to my blog! Thanks so much! Brian :-)

  11. Your printable looks great! I wouldn't have guessed it was your first one. One of my blogging resolutions is to add free printables with my posts so I've been playing around with creating printables too. Maybe we can get Carolyn to create some tutorials on printable creations on the we teach tech help page!! Thanks for linking up in the weekly blogger share.

  12. Well thanks so much Jackie! Check out my new one the Penguin one I did. I think it is MUCH better. This one the table gave me fits! I think Carolyn is working on a couple of projects, but once those die down that would be super if she would. Sure would help me!
