
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Class T-Shirt!

Many teachers use tie dye shirts for class field trips.  I on the other hand went in another direction a couple of years ago since I got really good interest from parents.  I decided to have my own class t-shirt! 

I gave each 2nd grade student a piece of paper and asked them to design what they would like to be on the t-shirt and any words they wanted on it.  They were told it had to be school appropriate.  While many drew action figures and princesses two students actually drew a Kangaroo hopping! I thought the Kangaroo was a brilliant idea as it fit well with my last name!

A company called Tropical Designs (Their link is on the right of my page) did the shirts for us for a super reasonable price!  The shirts were screen printed and not the iron on kind that fade so quickly.  For more information on Tropical Designs, click the link to the right of the website!  My Grandma, a wonderful art teacher for many years actually used the children's drawings and designed it before we sent it to Tropical Designs to be printed.  Check out a picture of the class shirt that we had them make for us.  


  1. Love it! So cute! Hey...I grabbed your poll idea...hope you don't mind. I love polls and stuff! I love the background too! Rockin'!

    Rockin' Teacher Materials

  2. Hilary, glad you love it! Of course I don't mind. Looks like I have mostly 3rd grade teachers on here so far! Thanks for the kind comments. Brian :-)

  3. Great idea! I know your students really enjoyed these. Sometimes children are brilliant! Thanks for sharing, Carolyn

  4. Carolyn,
    Thanks so much! They sure did enjoy them. I got permission for them to also be worn on Fridays instead of their school uniform! They also wore them for Field Trips and Field Day! :-) Brian

  5. For some reason I can't see the picture of the shirt your class made. I'll check back later maybe my computer is being funny. Thanks for sharing this post at We Teach.

  6. That's odd maybe so Michelle, it's showing up still on mine. If you still can't see it give me an e-mail tigermagic@bellsouth and I can send it to you that way so you can see it! :-)

  7. Brian - what a wonderful idea! I made tshirts for my class - I made them bright orange so I could see them when we went on our field trip to the zoo - then I used them again on field day. I'd love to have a class t-shirt day.


    1. Jeannie, thanks so much! Smart idea to make them bright orange so you can them easy on a field trip! For this one that I did, I decided to go with light blue only because the cost was cheaper for the shirts if I went with light blue, gray, or white! Don't think I would have thought of bright orange though, super idea!
