
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Common Core Curriculum Maps and Awards!

I stumbled upon a book that I thought I would let everyone know about that is on the Common Core Curriculum Maps.  It is for grades K-5 and is broken down by grade level.  It has lesson plans, assessment, sample activities and more that go with the Common Core Standards!

It is currently on sale for $16.47 if you have a Kindle on amazon!  It is typically $29.95!  Click the picture for more information and to order your copy!

If you'd prefer the paperback version it is $18.63.  Click the next picture to check that one out!

I've also been given some wonderful awards.  I'm very thankful for these awards, but don't have the time to hunt down new blogs that haven't gotten the awards.  I would still love to thank the following wonderful amazing blogs and I hope you will stop and check out their blogs!  Here is the first award I won:

Thanks to:

Differentiated Kindergarten
Cheers To School
Its About Time Teachers

Thanks to:
All That Glitters In First Grade
Frugal Teacher
I believe someone else gave me a Top 10 award and I can't find it, I will add your link if you let me know.

Thank you again to everyone for the awards!!!

Thanks for hoppin' by!

Brian :-)


  1. Congrats on the awards, Brian! I have received some lately as well, but I've been too busy to post/thank people for them. EEK!

  2. Thanks Heather and you sure are right on that. I have been busy too, some of these are over a week old. Oops.
