
Monday, March 19, 2012

The Learning Station CD Review and Giveaway

While subbing I have had the chance to play lots of music especially in Kindergarten.  One of the teachers at one of my favorite schools told me about "The Learning Station" and left me a CD called "Here We Go Loopty Loo - And Songs To Make You Move."  I fell in love with this CD instantly and the children just had so much fun with it!  The Learning Station comprises of Don Monopoli, Laurie Monopoli and Jan Hrkach.

First check out my review of the CD and then come enter the contest.  I am also posting a picture of the CD, which you can click on if you would like to purchase a copy.  The review is completely my own opinion.

The title track "Here We Go Loopty Loo", I bet you have heard before and the kids have fun so much fun as they form a circle and put their right foot in and shake it or their left hand and so forth!
The next song is "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," which we all probably know from childhood and is just so much fun.
The third song is called "Keep Moving" and has the children holding up different body parts: two hands, one thumb, one foot, etc.
Another one of my favorites on the CD and the one that really got me into The Learning Station is a song called Cock-A-Doodle Doo.  The children get to act out being a rooster.  The lyrics go like this "Put your hand on your hip (Cock-a-doodle doodle doo!).  Put the other on your head (Cock-a-doodle doodle doo!) Stick out your lips (Cock-a-doodle doodle doo!) And do like this (Cock-a-doodle doodle doo!)  (Strut!)  It is so much fun and the kids just get a kick out of it!

There's also the favorite that many of you know "Going on a Bear Hunt."  You can see YouTube video here:

I Know An Old Lady is fun to go with all the Old Lady books that are out there!  Another one that I just absolutely love is called Chuckle Bug.  It is a song to get the kids laughing and I am telling you they won't stop laughing so you'll have time this at the right time like maybe right before activity or time to go home!

Now for the contest, if you would like to be entered to win a copy of the CD "Here We Go Loopty Loo - And Songs To Make You Move" all you have to do is follow my blog.  If you share this contest on your blog, FB page, pinterest, or twitter you can get 2 more entries!  The contest will end on Sunday March 25th at midnight (which is technically Monday morning). Be sure to leave your e-mail address on the form or in the comments. After speaking with someone from the learning station it was brought to my attention that the giveaway is only good for people in the United States and Canada. Sorry to my international fans!  Thanks so much for hoppin' by!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This looks like a really fun CD!

    An Education Lasts a Lifetime

  2. It is a load of fun, you'll want to sing along with the kids. haha Good luck! Brian :-)

  3. I'm your newest follower!!!! Found you over at the k-2 linky party! :)

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. Thanks so much Holly!!! Jeannie is a great friend of mine!


  4. That is awesome Deb! I am glad I could help you and do so unintentionally. haha

  5. Hi! I am your newest follower! Thanks for visiting my blog.


  6. Replies
    1. Wow thanks so much for doing a blog on this, I'm on the way to check it out!!!

  7. Thanks for this fabulous giveaway! I tweeted about the giveaway and Fern is the reason I came to register! Thanks Fern! I wanted to make sure my last comment about sharing was okay. I wasn't sure if you also wanted the link to where I tweeted so I included that too.

    Thanks again!

  8. this is an awesome giveaway! I love gavin music in the classroom! Not sure if you got my tweet about the giveaway, so here it is just in case!!/hosyposy


    1. Thanks so much, glad you like it! Come back and share again for more entires! Your tweets are protected so I can't see it, but I appreciate you tweeting and I clicked to follow you if you accept me! Brian

  9. Love the music! I use lots of music and the kids beg for it.

    1. Glad to hear it Kimmie! Music makes it so much more fun for the kids to learn and it helps get their energy out between lessons! Brian

  10. Love using music with kids! Doesn't matter their age, always love seeing them get up and move! Thanks for the great opportunity -
