
Monday, March 26, 2012

Learning Station Winner and Earth Day Freebie!

First off congratulations to Brianne on winning the Learning Station Loopty Loo CD!  I sent you an e-mail please reply to it with your mailing address within 48 hours or I will have to pick a new winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway Here's a video for you to enjoy until I post another Learning Station CD Giveaway next month. This one is called "Be Kind To Your Web Footed Friends." I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!   Leanne at Teaching Tales is having a super Earth Day Linky Party. Grab mine below by clicking on the picture and then head on over to her Linky Party by clicking on the Earth Day Linky Party picture and get some great things and Link Up to my friend Leanne!

Brian :-)


  1. Hi Brian,
    Thanks for taking the time to explain why you are not spreading the One Lovely Blog award. I completely understand. I just spent 2 days fulfilling the rules for another award.

  2. Hi Barb,
    You are welcome! I am glad you understand. I am not surprised it took you 2 days that's how long it took me for a couple of awards I won when I first started blogging. Too long if you ask me! I will get the awards up on my page though at some point so I don't keep getting them again!

    I also did link your page to my previous post on the award.

    Thanks again,

