
Friday, May 18, 2012

Positive Fridays - Week of May 14th, 2012

Happy Friday everyone!  Only 1 more Friday left for those of us in Brevard County, FL after today.  This week it was back to subbing where I had the chance to make a difference in many children's lives.  That is the big advantage to subbing, but I do miss having my own class and hope that dream comes true next year. I had fun with 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade this week!

- Monday, I had the opportunity to teach 2nd grade at a school that I subbed at a bunch before Winter Break. I haven't got to sub a lot in 2nd grade this year after 5 years of teaching the grade so that was a special treat.  Let me tell you the children were amazing, kind hearted, and super workers.  Many children by lunch time asked me if I was their new teacher.  I told them no, their teacher would be back tomorrow.  They said no I mean our new 3rd grade teacher and they sounded super excited.  I told them I didn't know about next year yet, it is up to the principal, but I sure would love to teach them.  They said well if you want to teach us in 3rd grade all you have to do is show up and teach us. haha  This went on and on all day they were so sweet.  By the end of the day I was asked if I would be back tomorrow and I told them, I don't know, but I believe their teacher should be back.  They say they wished it was me because they like me more!  They were also dead quiet for about 20 minutes of independent reading and I didn't tell them not to talk.  Those kids really filled my bucket and made me smile so many times.  Thank you 2nd grade!

- Tuesday, I was back at the school that I taught the 5th graders for the previous 3 weeks.  I had 6th grade, which I thought could be a huge challenge.  Many of the 6th graders came in with smiles on their face saying good morning to me.  They knew how to fill my bucket from the minute they walked in the room.  The majority worked very hard for me and they were respectful.  One boy begged me to play in the teacher/faculty softball game on the last day of school.  Thank you 6th grade for filling my bucket with your kindness!

- Due to the 6th graders being so good both myself and another teacher took the kids out early for recess.  My wonderful 3rd/4th graders were still out at recess.  3 super sweet 3rd graders came over to talk to me and again beg me to teach them next year.  They had the biggest smiles on their faces and are just the sweetest children that I have taught in a long time.  I'm glad I got to sub for them a month.  Thank you 3rd grade for continuing to fill my bucket with kindness!  I love each and everyone of you!

- Wednesday, unfortunately, I didn't get to sub.  Thursday, I was back with 5th grade, but a different class at another school and they rotated so I had two different classes.  I was called in to be there at 10am as a teacher had a migraine and had to go home.  The children were so well behaved and kind to me and worked really hard on a Colonial Newspaper that each group was making.  They also watched a drug video and did an excellent job answering questions, which showed they were paying attention.  I'm so proud of them!

- In non school news, Thursday evening my brother was kind enough to detail my car and wash it and a friend came over to put in new memory on my computer and get my other computer hooked up to wireless! I also hit 61,000 views on my blog!  Thank you fans, friends, family, students, and parents for continuing to hop on over to my blog.  It is greatly appreciated.  I never ever expected my website to take off like it has!  Keep sharing it with your friends!

- Today, I head back to the school that I've been at most of the year since January and get to teach 4th grade for the first time since I left a 3rd/4th grade combined class.  This is a different 4th grade class as it is only 4th graders.  I will get to see my beloved 3rd/4th graders at recess though if it doesn't storm.  Might be the last time I get to see those wonderful sweet children, which makes me so sad.

As always I would LOVE to hear your positives for the week!  Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings!

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