
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Laura Candler's Graphic Organizers For Reading Book Review

I have been a big fan of Laura Candler's for the past year. I had the opportunity to try out her Paper Drop Organizational System and blogged about the success I had with it. I was thrilled when her publisher at Brigantine Media asked me to review her Graphic Organizers for Reading. It is geared toward 2nd to 6th graders.

All opinions are my own and I have not had the opportunity to try this one out in the classroom as it is now summer and I am currently a substite teacher seeking employment. I though hope to get the opportunity to try it out as I am a huge fan of the book!  I have not been paid to give the review.

In this book Laura has Graphic Organizers that are multi-purpose and also ones for informational text and literature. She gives wonderful examples for the graphic organizers! Many of us are gearing up toward the Common Core Standards so Laura added to her book the Common Core Standards that work with the graphic organizers for all grades 2nd-6th! She breaks it down by grade level and standard and then lists the books that go with that standard! How cool is that? :-) That will save us all a lot of time looking up the standards! Laura also includes some books that you might want to use for the graphic organizers!

On Chapter 1 she takes you through a mini-lesson using the I Do, We Do, You Do teaching strategy for the KWL Graphic Organizer! I have also been a big fan of this strategy and have seen it work wonderfully. Sometimes you have to do the We Do part several times before children are ready to do it the You Do on their own or with a partner.

On Chapter 2 Laura explains how you may use each of the muli-purpose graphic organizers. She includes the purpose, a fun introduction, her own tips, a sample lesson, and the common core standards that work with each one!

On Chapter 3, Laura explains how to use informational text and literature graphic organziers. Here she gives you the Common Core Standards, suggested texts, her own tips, and step by step directions on how to use the organizers. Many of the graphic organizers are unique such as the rockets for the Cause and Effect and the Stick Figure Character Map. I love the Stick Figure Character Map as the children get to decorate the stick figure like a character and then write what the character might say, what they might be thinking, what they love to do, where they might go, etc. on certain body parts of the character.

I believe these graphic organizers will keep children completely engaged and help them comprehend stories much better. Their test scores are sure to sky rocket!  Click the picture above for more information on this great book!

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings and keep smilin'!


  1. Love Laura Candler! All of her stuff has been so great for so long - she is truly an inspiration to those of us in the trenches! =)
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Me too, her stuff is great!!! Thanks for checking out my review of her product!

