
Friday, July 6, 2012

Back To School Freebie!

Happy Friday my amazing friends, fans, teachers, students, and parents!  Thank you so much for helping my blog reach 98,000 views.  That is incredible!  Once I hit 100,000 views I will have another super fun giveaway.  I have a few great fellow bloggers who have each given me an incredible product to giveaway!

This week I finally got my A/C back.  Yes, I've been living with no A/C for 2 weeks here in Florida, not very fun that is for sure.  I am enjoying the air!!!

This coming week should be a fun one as I am heading to the beach to visit with some families of children who I taught my first 2 years in Kindergarten!  It is hard to believe that these children are now going to be in 8th and 9th grade.  They are each doing so well in school and I am so proud of them!  One of their older brothers even went to school to become a teacher and will be teaching in the Fall!

I also have an interview set for Thursday at 3pm.  It is a Charter School and in Orange County.  I am from Brevard, but it would be about a 45 minute drive and I have subbed in some schools in Brevard that were up to an hour away so I can do this!

So you want your freebie, you say.  It's Freebie Friday!!!  Most of you know me as Positive Hoppin' Hopkins so I have made some behavior coupons that you can use for back to school.  Everything from treasure chest pick, homework passs, eat with the teacher, to the favorite of the 3rd/4th and 5th graders no shoes!  Click the picture to download and don't forget to leave a kind rating and comment.

As always thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings!  Keep smiling!


  1. Good luck with your interview! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Glad to have found your blog on FB. I can't wait to explore!!

    One Class, One Sound

    1. So thrilled you found me on FB and now blog too Patti! Thanks so much!
