
Friday, September 14, 2012

Positive Fridays - Week of September 10th, 2012

It's Friday again!!!  That means it is time for my Positive Friday post, which is my favorite thing to blog about it!  I hope that you enjoy reading about my adventures in subbing, job hunting, and blog news.

Last Friday I had the opportunity to sub for a half day in a 3rd grade class.  This was a different group of 3rd graders, but in the same school.

  • The students were very cooperative and respectful.
  • They were very quiet during test time and did an excellent job of raising their hand when they needed help with other work.
  • All of the students cheerfully said goodbye to me when their teacher came back.  I look forward to hopefully subbing for this bunch of great students in the future! 
  • Before school one student in 2nd grade saw me and before going to her class cheerfully said my name and gave me a hug and a huge smile.  Awesome, that she remembered me from last year!
Saturday, I did a good deed of filling many buckets by paying $1 at Arby's to help feed children.  My $1 paid for 10 meals for children I was told!

Monday, there was no school due to an inservice for teachers.  I did though get to interview for a Kindergarten position in Orlando.  Unforutnately, they were on a hiring freeze and I believe had to take a transfer from another school. 

So the next day I worked was Tuesday as an assistant in a Pre-K class.  It was nice to be called in personally instead of picking it up on the computer system.
  • There were only 8 students in the class.  They were a fun loving group of children.
  • A couple of students kept coming up to me during their center time for me to read stories to them.  I read 5 or 6 books to them and then a couple at dismissal.  I even tied in Math with them having them count groups of the same things in the pictures of the stories.  They did a great job!
Wednesday, I got a wake up call again this time to sub as an assistant in an exceptional education class with 6 boys.
  • One boy was especially attached to me if I moved somewhere else he would come follow me, it was so sweet!
  • The same boy kept calling me Dad!  First time that has happened in my teaching career, I have been called Mom a time or two though. haha 
  • I enjoyed helping them at P.E. and helping them make a color book.
  • Several children in 1st grade from the first class I subbed for this school year saw me when I took the boys to the playground and came up to talk to me and give me a hug.  Very sweet children!
Unfortunately, I did not get to work on Thursday, but I do have a regular position as the Skills teacher (I believe Math) with Kindergarten through 6th grade today.  I will include my fun positives in next Fridays e-mail.

In blog news I am excited that I have 148,000 views and I should hit 150,000 before next Friday.  I also hav eover 950 FB fans and can't wait to hit 1,000!  Did you know I have over 100 products, 1/4th of the products are free? 

Please leave your positives from the week.  I look forward to reading how your year is going.

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!


  1. LOVE your positive attitude! I teach Head Start and we seem to be in for an unusually challenging year this year. However, at the end of our first two weeks, I had 2 little ones come up to me with a hug and say I love you. Awwww! And two more who are without language hugged me and said I love you with their eyes. These are the moments that make it all worth it!

    1. Leslie, thanks so much. I think we all need that positive attitude as it rubs off on the children! :-) I wish you the best on the challenging year, stay positive you can do it! That no doubt touches the heart when you get a hug and I love you from a child even when it is just with the eyes. I agree it does make it all worth it and it's my favorite part of teaching!
