
Friday, October 26, 2012

Positive Fridays - Week of October 22nd, 2012

Happy Friday everyone!  It's time for another round of positives from my subbing experience.  I'm having so much fun!!!  I hope you are off to a great year as well.

Let's start with last Friday I subbed in 1st grade at one of my favorite schools that I've been subbing at a lot lately.  This was only my 2nd time in 1st grade this year after I probably subbed in 1st the most last year unless you count the entire month with the 3rd/4th graders.
  • The office clerk and secretary continue to be so welcoming and full of smiles, which always starts my day off right!
  • I was then welcomed by another 1st grade teacher who was so helpful when I had any questions.  It was a joy working next door to her!
  • The first graders came in and had fun working on making a word out of playdoh.  
  • I was told it was a very challenging class, but I was able to get most of them on task and working hard as I rewarded them with a piece of candy corn here and there and they were so thankful by using such good manners.  They were so excited because I brought candy corn and they made candy corn out of paper yesterday!  I must have ESP! haha
  • They also got to make a fun Little Red Hen out of a paper plate
Monday, I had a doctor appointment so I didn't get to work and didn't find anything on Tuesday.  Wednesday my best friend asked me to sub for her at the same school I was at Friday in her 2nd grade class.
  • I was again welcomed by that awesome office clerk and secretary.
  • A child and her mom were at the door when I opened it up, the mother was concerned the teacher wasn't there thinking she was sick again, but had to handle something with her family.  She told me how much her and her daughter love my friend and the great job she's doing and again told me how they love having me as her sub!
  • The class had such a good morning 100% of them got to play at recess right before lunch with no timeouts.  They told me that has never happened Mr. Hopkins.  They were beaming with joy as was I when I heard that!  All, but 1 finished their journal and they worked super hard on their reading work.  I really was proud of them!
  • The same child from the morning hung out with me on the playground and talked to me.  She told me how her teacher is the best teacher she's ever had and that I'm the best sub she's ever had with a great big grin and hug!  
  • The 2nd graders also had fun learning about the half dollar and I taught them how to count by 5's to count money to try to make it easier for some of them!  
  • At bus duty another child saw me and said I subbed for her in another school last year and she mentioned the school and her class and I said yes I sure did several times.  She said you probably don't recognize me and she told me her name and then I said yeah your name sounds familiar.  She told me her hairstyle is different.  Girls, have to make it difficult on you recognizing them. haha  She was excited to see me though, which was awesome!
Thursday, I subbed for a different school than I've been at all year about 50 minutes from home.  It was back in 4th grade.  I subbed there in 1st and 3rd grade last year so I knew I'd know the children!
  • Wow, the office staff was so welcoming!  They helped show me what all I needed to fill out, gave me a key, and even a sub folder that had things like clinic slips so I wouldn't have to try to hunt them down they said!  Now that is impressive!
  • Many students entered the room a little while later and cheerfully called my name or walked by to another 4th grade class saying my name.  I couldn't believe they'd remember my name when I had them the first half of the school year last year for 2 days.  I also met many of their parents who were so kind and cheerful with smiles on their faces.
  • They had award ceremony where nearly every child in 4th grade received honor roll or AB honor roll.  Now that is amazing!
  • Due to the ceremony it was a very fast paced day as I had 4 classes of 4th graders for Science so the timeframe with each group was much shorter.
  • They enjoyed learning about life cycles and researching animals.  They did a really nice job of working hard on their research the short time that they had.
  • One girl told me she goes by her middle name and is frustrated when she sees everyone print her first time like on attendance and such.  I shared with her that I go by my middle name too, which she thought was so awesome!  I'm now her favorite sub she said!
Well I was planning on having this great group of 4th graders for a normal day on Friday (back to back days with the same kids is awesome!), but a hurricane in the Ocean off the coast of Florida is bringing tropical storm winds so they closed the schools today.  :(  Another teacher though said she's going to request me so I can come back with the kids!  I hope so!!!

In bloggy news we have roared past 180,000 views.  You all are so awesome, love you all! 

Please share your positives for the week!  I'd love to hear what is going on around Central Florida, the United States, and the rest of this awesome world.  I know some of you who visit are from Egypt, China, France, Canada, etc.  So exciting!!!  I also recently noticed someone from Cape Canaveral and Titusville searched google for my blog name.  So sweet that people that know me are still coming back to visit!  Love ya'll!

Thank you so much for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!

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