
Friday, November 16, 2012

Positive Fridays - Week of October 12th, 2012

TGIF everyone!  It's almost Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before you know it.  I am so thankful that so many of you return again and again to my blog.  I hope that you are enjoying my Positive Friday post and it helps you think of the positives in your life whether you share them or not.

Friday, I was back in 4th grade.  Subbing has really made me appreciate older grades and I now feel confident that I can teach upper grades well!  Let's get to the positives!

  • It is always great to be welcomed by such great office staff and also a friend of mine that used to teach with me.
  • The students worked so hard for me that they plowed through all of their work by lunch time.  We didn't have a lot of time after as they had recess thrown in there and one of the last lunch periods. 
  • A wonderful 4th grade teacher found some more work for them and the wonderful bookkeeper copied them for me!
  • The children were kind and respectful toward me.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to work again until Thursday.  This was at a school I had never been to before and finally in 1st grade.  It was the grade I subbed in the most last year and only a handful of times this year.
  • The office staff was so friendly welcoming me to the school and a wonderful friend took me to the secretary who was so kind and then my great friend walked me to the classroom!  It is always nice to have a great friend at a school I sub at!
  • I also found out right away that I knew one of the 1st grade teachers.  We went to UCF together and had nearly all the same classes.  It was nice to catch up with her for a little a bit and I hope to sub for her and my friend in the future unless of course I get a job, which would be even better!
  • The children worked extremely hard for me.  They had a lot of work and still managed to get it done and told me they like having a sub because they get to do fun stuff!
  • They were so excited when they walked in because I was there first "boy" teacher or sub!
  • Nobody pulled a clip all day, they were all so respectful, kind, followed directions well, and did an excellent job of cleaning up the classroom.
  • A funny moment that had me chuckling inside, I overheard a girl saying I want to go Ireland so I can see boys wearing skirts.  I have no clue how she got on that topic, it was nothing we discussed!  I guess you never know what kids say!

Well that's it for this week.  I do work Friday so that will be part of my Positive Friday post next week.  I am hopefully to sub on Monday and Tuesday as we have no school Wednesday-Friday due to Thanksgiving break.  I enjoyed reading all of your postives last week.  I hope you will share yours with me again this week!

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!

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