
Friday, November 2, 2012

Positive Fridays - Week of October 29th, 2012

Goodness it is already Friday and November.  Wow this year is flying by so fast!  I hope everyone had a terrific Halloween with your students whether you were able to celebrate or not.

Last Friday there was no school due to Tropical Storm winds from Hurricane Sandy.  I was looking forward to subbing a 2nd day in a row with those amazing 4th graders, but hopefully I'll get the chance to again in the future unless I find that perfect job first!

I did get to sub on Monday in 5th grade though.  The first group also had 6, 6th graders.  I had two different classes.  Positives include:
  • A girl almost immediately called me over to ask if I had ever taught 5th grade before and I told her I did get to teach 5th grade for a short time last year and have subbed in 5th grade a few times last years.  She then told me how I was the nicest sub!  
  • Due to missing Friday, the children mostly worked on spelling test and some reading tests.  They also finished up a Mayan report.
  • The 2nd group of students I had were especially sweet, kind, and respectful.  They were so awesome at raising their hands as well.  They were one of the best groups I've subbed for in 2 years.  I look forward to hopefully coming back to sub for them.
  • One of the 5th grade teachers told me that they will be using me again this year, so awesome to hear that!
Unfortunately, no subbing on Tuesday, but I got to sub in Wednesday in Music at the school I was at last Friday.
  • The front office staff was so welcoming again and were so super helpful when I had questions.  They always have smiles on their faces!
  • I had a fun day with the students as we sang "Purple People Eater," some groups got to hear a couple of Beethoven songs (a few didn't as the songs started skipping on me, grrr  Good ole technology it fails sometimes), and all grades got to have fun on the keyboards at the end.  It was so much fun to watch them all!  Their teacher was so amazing to trust a sub like me to let the kids use the keyboards, I sure didn't expect that!
  • I had one of those 4 amazing 4th grade classes and they say hi cheerfully as they walked in the room.  Another class walked by when when I dismissed that class and a few of them smiled and said hi.  What great kids who knew how to fill my bucket!
  • Last year I had a 1st grade class for a couple of days so some of the 2nd graders knew me and were so excited that I was back.
Thursday, I had the opportunity to sub in the afternoon in Music at a school that I have been to several times this school year.  I guess I'm Mr. Music man this week as many children called me at one school last year.
  • The secretary and office clerk are always so welcoming with big smiles on their faces.  I really appreciate how they treat me and other subs!
  • The teacher was there when I arrived and left me with super simple lesson plans of showing Bill Nye (sp?) The Science Guy.  We watched one on Insects and started another one on Space.  I had 4th grade and 6th grade.  They seemed to enjoy it, especially the 4th graders.
  • Some of the students knew who I was from the school I used to teach at even though they weren't my former students or from subbing and seemed excited I was there, which was nice!
  • I also had 5th grade who enjoyed a special presentation from a guest speaker who traveled around the entire Lake Michigan!  They were so engaged and asked some super questions!
  • I also saw that special group of 2nd graders when they were on their way to computers.  They were so excited to see me, many jumping into my arms and calling my name.  One sweet girl said "Hey, Mr. Hopkins you put your hair short." haha  I said yeah I just got my haircut!  So cute!
  • I also saw a parent outside at car duty who asked me if I saw her daughter today (2nd grader) and was excited that I had or she said her daughter would have been very disappointed.  Also, at dismissal two super sweet 4th grade girls came over to give me a hug and tell me they were the only children in the class to get honor roll.  One I am proud to say was a former student of mine!  Makes my heart proud! 
I am back in Music again Friday just in the morning at the same school as Thursday.  I'll be back with a report next Friday. 

In bloggy news, I just can't believe ya'll have visited my page almost 190,000 times that is insane.  Thank you all so very much!  I will hit that number sometime today.

Have a great weekend.  Please leave your own positives.  It would put a big smile on my face.

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!

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