
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 10: Word Problems: Amazing Animal Facts

Welcome to day 10 of my exclusive freebies from other bloggers and store owners!  I am thrilled to announce that this continue until at least the 10th!  Wow!  I hope that you are enjoying the freebies and hopefully following some new bloggers, TPT stores, and FB fan pages.

Today's freebie comes from Meg at Fourth Grade Studio.  Hop on over to her blog and thank her for the amazing freebie and maybe follower her as well.

The Teacher Wife

Meg is a wonderful 4th grade teacher.  Her freebie today is on a topic that many children have such a hard time with: word problems.  She made the word problems fun by incorporating them into Animal facts.  These word problems are perfect for upper grade students.  Check out the exclusive freebie only good for today by clicking on the picture.  We would then appreciate a kind comment so we know how many were downloaded.  If you have a fun way that you teach word problems let us know as well!

Now that you have grabbed that amazing freebie hop on over to her blog and check out her awesome freebies and products in her TPT store today and become a follower.

Tomorrow's freebie comes to us from Jenifer at Mrs. P's Ed Tech Talk.  Her freebie will show you how to make a table in Microsoft Word.  This is essential if you are looking into making your products or keeping track of data in your classroom!  Check out Jenifer's blog by clicking "HERE."

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!


  1. Hey Brian,
    I don't know how I missed becoming a follower..but I'm here now and
    I love your blog! You have a wide variety of resources!
    I Dream of First Grade
    I just added a new unit on Teachers Pay Teachers about friendship, MLK and anti-bullying. I also have a math freebie for The Mitten.
    Your newest follower!

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thanks so much for the follow. I'm glad you love my blog.


  2. Just downloaded it .... LOVE IT! This is perfect for my 3rd graders - plus a challenge for my high students! Thank you!

    1. Super happy to hear that! I hope they enjoy learning about animals while they solve the word problems!

  3. Hi Again:)

    Just downloaded! I think this one will be good for my older guys who love animal facts...maybe they´ll have so much fun they´ll forget their doing school work- Thanks a bunch!

    1. Hi Dinah! Glad you think they will love it! That's the best thing when they love something so much they forget they are learning!
