
Friday, February 1, 2013

Positive Fridays - Week of Jan. 28th, 2013

Another week has come and gone.  It's already February and tomorrow will be Groundhog's Day!  Now onto the positives!

Last Friday, I finished my week in Skills activity class.

  • It was nice that it was a little warmer for my crosswalk duty in the morning and after school.  To start the day off before I went to work, I called my friend as I usually do to make sure she was awake to go to work and she told me one of her students (who is at another school actually) thinks I now have a new job of Crosswalk duty.  haha  
  • As always, I was greeted, signed in, and got my key to the room.
  • I had no 5th and 6th grade so part of planning I went to get paper towels and wet them so I could clean off the big dry erase board.  It was way dirty before I even came last week so I made it look nice. :-)
  • On my way back from getting the paper towels I saw the wonderful third graders who love me so much.  They instantly yelled my name and the same sweet girl came running over to give me a hug.  Then 4 others gave me a group hug.  Their teacher smiled and said how sweet they were.  Now she sees how much they want me to sub for them!
  • The kids had fun learning Math, watching a video, and playing 4 corners!
Monday, I worked in 5th grade at another school I sub at frequently.  They also have 5, 6th graders.  I have previously subbed for this class before.  They switch classes so I had two groups.
  • I am always welcomed as well at this school and I got my key to the room.
  • The children worked on some vocabulary work and grammar.  Then they got to watch most of The Best of School House Rock.
  • I had a wonderful assistant (speech interpreter) in the 2nd class.  She is always excited to see me and always welcomes me!
  • I ran into some of the wonderful Kindergarten kids and got some sweet hugs!  They are always so excited to see me!
 Tuesday, I didn't get to work so instead I had my fingerprint and background check done for Hidden Potentials.  I am so excited to get to start tutoring for them!  I'm just waiting on a phone call from a parent to set up times now!

Wednesday, I was at the same school as Monday, but this time in 2nd grade, the grade I taught for 5 years.
  • After getting my key and being greeted, I went to my room.  The teacher next door was kind enough to tell me to let her know if I need anything.
  • This teacher was so awesome she left no worksheets.  Instead the kids got to do fun hands-on learning and reading all day.  It was a shorter day as the kids got dismissed an hour early.
  • They did some creative writing in their journals on what cereal they would be and why.  Then shared it with the class.
  • The children also had fun with the Daily 5 in reading while I took 3 different groups.  I read and they drew what they heard (visualization). They also enjoyed using investigating different soil samples and filling out information for it in their science journals.  For Math, they went on a shape hunt to find things with 2 parallel lines, 4 vertices, etc.  That went in their Math journals and then shared it.  
  • During calendar, one boy insisted he was giving me a massage as he always does for his teacher.  He did a nice job!
  • They were hard working and respectful students.
  • I also ran into Kindergarten in the cafeteria.  They were so excited.  Several stood up and put their arms out because they just had to have their Mr. Hop hugs!
Thursday, back at the same school again, but this time in 3rd grade.  I've subbed in a lot of 3rd grade classes this year and this one was one of the best!
  • After getting my key and being greeted, 3 of the 4 3rd grade teachers made their way through my room and greeted me!  The other teacher was in another wing, but I saw her at recess.
  • The children came in and had their planners stamped and got started reading or illustrating their stories right away!
  • They also worked on color by number multiplication for 8's facts,  I read them a story about different kinds of moods people have (they did an awesome job of participating when I asked for examples of why they may feel that way), and worked on some vocabulary work.  
  • They were well behaved, cooperative, and hard working for me.
  • These children got complimented in computers for doing the best of any 3rd grade class on what they were doing in there so far!  I was so impressed to hear such good news!
  • I also saw those amazing Kindergarten kids again in the cafeteria and got my hugs.  I ran into a 1st grader and her parent at dismissal who were both excited to see me!
  • At the end before car riders were dismissed a boy came up to me and said I really like you, you are the best sub!
  • Then another 3rd grader from next door saw me and told me she hopes they have me again.  They had a different sub the day before.  So sweet!
I picked up work for today at another school in 3rd grade.  I'll be back for the positives next week!

I look forward to reading about the positives of your week, please post in the comments!

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!


  1. Positives....It has been Cowboy Poetry week!! We got 3 assemblies (2 were school-wide, one just for Kindergarten). We had a Buckaroo Breakfast with our Reading Buddies. Today my daughter came in and took pictures of all my kids in cowboy gear, so they will have them for their scrapbook. loads of fun all week long. Plus my Kinder kids learned the meaning of the word recite and they got to recite the cowboy nursery rhyme they had bee practicing all week long.


    1. Terri, wow it sounds like your kindergarten kiddos had a super fun week. I know I would have loved every minute of that. I'm glad your daughter came in and got pictures for their scrapbook. That will be fun for them to look back on! Lucky kids! Thanks for sharing your positive!

  2. I love how you wrote "the teacher was so awesome she didn't leave any worksheets"!!! When I subbed I loved teachers that left me things to teach/do with the students too :) Now, as a classroom teacher though, I find that most subs aren't reliable enough to even take attendance (ugh!) so. . .it's a tough thing if I can't plan to be out and choose my sub. Anyway, you asked for a link to a success. . .even though my blog is a personal one I just *had* to write about my day a couple weeks ago -- it was just one of those close-to-perfect learning days :) Glad I found you via Pinterest.

    1. It certainly makes subbing a lot more fun when they give the children something fun to do, I'm glad you agree with me on that one. I understand that it depends on the sub. I've been there done that when I taught and had some that were just horrible.

      I meant to just state your positive, but I will check out your link! I'm glad you found me too, hope you'll keep checking back!
