
Friday, April 26, 2013

Positive Fridays - Week of April 22nd, 2013

In this county we are just down to 3 1/2 weeks of school.  How much longer do your kiddos go to school for?  Share with us in the comments!  The kids started here Aug. 8th so that is why we get out earlier than most.

This was a slow week of subbing unfortunately.  On Friday last week I subbed in my favorite Kindergarten class.

  • I worked with an amazing teacher next door.  They keep their room open and this allows the students to do centers together in both rooms.  She is always so helpful and told me she wants to write me a letter of recommendation because I should be teaching my own class, I do a great job with the children.  That meant the world to me!
  • The children came in so excited with smiles on their faces and some hugs.  They reminded me I promised to eat with them, which I did do.  We had a great time eating together.
  • Many of them told me "You're the best" or "You're the best substitute" or "I really like you."  So sweet to hear them fill my bucket.  I passed out a couple of brag tags and gave one to the teacher next door to pass out too.
  • I read them a story, which I can't recall the name, but it was about a Goldfish who wanted a pet!  They also had fun with Show and Tell, writing about what they brought in, counting by 10's, and finding out different ways to name ten!  They also had some fun toy time.  
  • The children were pretty quiet and well behaved for me!
Monday I was back in 3rd grade at the same school as Friday in a class that I had for a half day a couple of weeks ago.  They switch classes so I had another class the 2nd half of the day.

  • Many of the children said hi and seemed excited to see me!
  • They did a lot of different Earth Day activities with the book "The Lorex."  We watched a 30 minute video of it, did crossword and word searches, and wrote about how we can take care of the Earth.  The first group also had time for some science on Properties of Matter.
  • They worked hard and cooperated for me.
Tuesday, I was called in by the bookkeeper so I got there a couple of minutes after the bell as I rushed to get ready, but I was happy to be back at the school.  I was in 3rd grade again.  I had the same group of children, but subbed for the other teacher.

  • I picked up the children in another class and took them to the room where they got unpacked and I quickly read the plans and did attendance.
  • They worked on writing a letter about the FCAT (not giving examples of problems or answers) to their parents telling if they thought it was easy or hard, if they checked their answers, and so forth.  I thought it was a neat idea.  I was impressed with a few children who wrote a bunch in 45 minutes, especially one girl who wrote 2 pages front and back on topic!  Many of these children will be ready for FCAT Writes next year!  Their teacher in 3rd grade has prepared them well!
  • They also read about Animal Homes, did a Main Idea/Detail Graphic Organizer, worked on cursive writing, and literacy centers.
  • I handed out a couple of brag tags to the 2nd class I had as a couple stood out in my mind for going above and beyond with work and doing what they were supposed too.
  • The children were mostly well behaved and cooperative. 
Unfortunately, I had no work the rest of the week.  I'm hoping to be called in on Friday as I rarely have a Friday off.

Please leave your positives in the comments.

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!

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