
Friday, April 12, 2013

Positive Fridays - Week of April 8th, 2013

TGIF!  We have all survived another week.  I know many of us are in our last quarter of the year and the kids are starting to get antsy for summer.  Keep being positive with the kids and they will keep showing kindness, I have no doubt about that!

Last Friday, I subbed in an Exceptional Education class at a school near home and one of my favorite schools.  There were 4 children there (1 more was absent) and 2 assistants (1 was also a sub).
  • I was thanked for being flexible as I was switched from another sub assignment.  As a former teacher I was used to being flexible so it was no big deal to me.
  • The children had fun playing on computers, doing Adventure to Fitness, having fun with Jack Hartmann videos, and working on addition.
  • I thought they were well behaved for an exceptional education class.  There were no real problems.  They respected all the adults.
  • By the end of my time with them they really warmed up to me.  A couple of the children even asked if I would come back to sub again!
  • Other children in the school called my name and waved to me!
Monday, I had a wake up call to sub at a school that I ended up in all week!  It is one of my very favorite schools that I have subbed at the past 2 years.  It was for a 3rd grade class that I was already scheduled to sub for later in the week a half day and I had them a couple of times before!
  • I was thanked again for coming in and picking up the job at the last minute.  Everyone in the office is extra kind to me!
  • The children worked hard on learning about characters and also did a fact book on Oil Spills.  Along with mixed math work, they had the chance for some fun brain breaks as we played Heads Up 7 Up and Doggy Doggy.  This teacher is awesome to incorporate these brain breaks!
  • The children respected me, cooperated, and worked very hard at getting all of their work done.
  • I saw several Kindergarten children who has to run over and give me hugs when I ran into them and some other kids who waved hi and smiled to me.  The children at this school truly know how to fill my bucket.
  • I gave out a Brag Tag to a 3rd grader who worked extra hard on her work for best effort.
  • The phone also kept ringing off the hook as I was asked to sub Tuesday for a half day in another 3rd grade class, Thursday in Kindergarten, Friday in a different Kindergarten class, and the following Friday, in a 3rd Kindergarten class.  The teacher's had all asked for me, which makes me feel really good!
Tuesday, I subbed in 3rd grade again, but for a different group of children only in the morning.
  • I was thanked for agreeing to sub for only a few hours.
  • A few of them knew who I was from Walk to Intervention and from last year and cheerfully said my name as they came in the door!
  • The kids did a lot of different Math work, fractions, mixed review, geometry, and then state abbreviations.  They are getting ready to take a big standardized test in FL next week called FCAT.  The walk to intervention group did a little bit of comprehension.
  • The children mostly cooperated and worked super duper hard as they got more done than the teacher and I thought they would.  She didn't expect them to get it all done and we almost finished the state abbreviation page, which was the last one she left for them to do.
Wednesday, I subbed a half day in 3rd grade for the class I had on Monday.  It was great to be back with children that I'm starting to learn their names!  This group I've had the 2nd most times out of any class too and I really enjoy them!
  • I was thanked again for taking the job even though it was only for a few hours.  I was told I'm about the only one that is willing to come in for a few hours.
  • The 3rd grade group from Tuesday, saw me as I walked to the door and yelled hi very excitedly!  It was great to see that they clearly enjoyed having me as their sub for the short time I was in there.
  • The teacher was very kind and appreciative that I came in to help her out again.  She even put in her plans that I know her clean up routine.  She knows the room will be cleaned by the kids when I am in there!
  • The children worked super hard on measuring items to the nearest half inch and quarter inch.  That was a tough skill.  She had a great idea for them to mark off the ruler on the top of the page in orange for one of those and yellow for the other.  Most of the kids listened and did so.  They also worked on some multiplication basic facts and reading comprehension on George Washington Carver.  She again incorporated brain breaks with Heads Up 7 Up and this time an I Have Who Has Telling Time Game.
  • The kids as always did an excellent job of cleaning up and worked extremely hard.  They always respect me as well.
Thursday, I got to sub in Kindergarten for a class I had a half day a few weeks ago.
  • I was thanked for coming in again!
  • The room is opened up between 2 classes per teacher choice so they can team teach at times and the other teacher as always is super helpful.  Both classes were super excited to see me!
  • The children worked hard on writing and putting words in order to make a sentnece that had some tough words for Kindergarten like April, butterflies, plants.  Only a couple of children asked for help, the rest did it independently!  They also had fun playing consonant sound bingo, I Have Who Has alphabet, color by number (dots).  They had some social playtime and also had fun singing some of The Learning Station songs and listening to Tony Chestnut book!
  • I got many hugs and smiles from children.  Several told me how much they like me from both classes and others on the playground!
  • They worked really hard and most respected me.
Friday (today) I will be in Kindergarten for another group of Kindergarten children who I had last week.  It should be a fun day.  Stop back next week to see how it went and what we did!  I'm looking forward to it.

Do you have a positive this week that you would like to share?  If so hop on over and share it!

Also, if you see this before 11:59 Eastern on Saturday be sure to check out my Mrs. Wishy-Washy Big Book giveaway!

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings!  Keep on smiling!


  1. WOW you are definitely a busy substitute!!

    I'm your newest follower, looking forward to reading more!

    1. Yup I sure have been super busy. It was slow for awhile, but it's nice to be busy again and I hope it turns into a full time position.

      Thanks so much!

