
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Finding Kind - Girls Bullying Girls

IndieFlix gave me the chance to review the movie Finding Kind for free 3 month subscription for myself and 10, 2 month subscriptions to giveaway!  I was not paid any money.  The video is on the site now and is not coming soon so ignore that on the banner!  You do not need to input any credit card information if you are one of the ten winners!

Here's the synopsis of Finding Kind: 
In February 2009, two young women, Lauren Parsekian and Molly Thompson joined forces having both been affected by female bullying throughout their youth and decided to create change by giving females a platform to speak out about this universal experience. What began as an idea for a documentary about 
girl-against-girl bullying, ultimately became Kind Campaign, an internationally recognized movement, documentary, and school assembly program based on the powerful belief in KINDness that brings awareness and healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl “crime.”

In this endearing documentary, a pair of best friends (who happen to be queen-bee pretty girls, but no matter) travel the country speaking with middle and high school girls about their pain and the pain they’ve caused others. It’s a sweet, earnest addition to the current anti-bullying movement. A few confessional scenes—little girls in braces pouring their broken hearts into the camera—will stick with you. LINDY WEST (the Stranger).

I believe Finding Kind is perfect for 5th grade girls and up, especially middle and high schoolers.  The movie will help girl bullies see how bullying feels and perhaps will help them think twice before bullying other girls.  Bullying is a sad thing happening around the world.  If we can stop it now before these children are adults, we'll have a much better world to live in.  At the end of the movie, I love the quote "We might not all be beautiful, smart, or have talent, but we can all be kind."

They have a neat packet of resources for Finding Kind that you can use by downloading the Google Doc, which includes discussion questions for the movie, as well as, kind pledge cards, kind apology cards, and blank kind cards.  To check these resources out click here:  It's my hope that this film will help end a lot of the female bullying going on.

IndieFlix also an array of films from family movies, sports, action and adventure, romance, animations, etc.  Some are just a few minutes in length and others like Finding Kind are full length movies.  Hopefully you can find something for your class if you are still in session and if not treat yourself to some movies this summer!  We all need time to relax!  Be sure to visit IndieFlix by clicking on the banner!

The giveaway will start at midnight on the 22nd and end on the 25th.  10 of you will win the subscriptions for 2 months!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!


  1. I teach Social Skills every day and try to build a family in my classroom to limit the bullying of each other. We also work on changing the way others think about us and making it more positive which helps.

    1. I am so thrilled to hear that Heather! Keep up the positiveness in your classroom. I have no doubt it helps!


  2. This looks like a great movie! Kindness... "We might not all be beautiful, smart, or have talent, but we can all be kind." Love this quote and will start using it. Adding it to the end of my info on my e-mail! Thanks!

    1. Donna,
      It really touched my heart in a huge way as I was one who was bullied especially in middle school. I didn't know how mean girls can be to each other until I watched it. Thankfully there are great young people out there trying to get the message out as well about kindness. Glad you like the quote and will spread the message.


  3. Replies
    1. Welcome Angela and good luck! Thanks for being a great supporter too!


  4. What do I do to try to stop bullying-
    We have lots of NO Bullying books and we read at least one a day during either recess, snack, read aloud time, or at some point of the day. We talk about all kinds of bullying. I teach K and I think its important to start as early as you can!!

    1. I am so happy to hear that Angela! :-) I agree it is important to start early, the earlier the best. If we can get kids thinking of how to be kind super early in life it will hopefully continue through the rest of their lives.


  5. I love the quote too! It’s speaks of the reality and existing chaos among individuals, even to girls. Truly kindness is the key. I would agree that anti-bullying campaign should be supported by all individuals coz’ it lessens self esteem and is also a source of crime or tragedy. Each deserves freedom!

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