
Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Learning Station Concert

I was very lucky to have won a surprise giveaway from The Learning Station for a FREE concert or a professional development session.  I won the giveaway for spreading kindness.  I of course decided on the free concert because I wanted to see so many children with smiling faces.  I have been blessed to sub in so many wonderful schools the past 2 years and been requested by so many teachers at these schools.  The school I decided to select was because I had subbed in every single kindergarten class, plus pre-k, and several 1st grade classes the past 2 years.

The children at the school I chose spread kindness on a daily basis.  They are taught to be kind through their amazing teachers who I have gotten to know and their wonderful principal.

The concert started off with the principal introducing Don Monopoli of The Learning Station and then gave me the microphone to share a few words.  I talked about how I found out about this amazing group through a teacher and then started checking out all of their videos.  The children who got to have fun were in Pre-K through 1st grade, plus the class that I subbed for, which was a mix of 1st and 2nd graders.

Don then took the stage and  from the get go he had children and teachers dancing and doing movements standing up and in their seats.  Most of the children participated for the full hour and the same with their amazing teachers.  We sang and danced to "Baby Shark," "Boom Chicka Boom," "One Finger One Thumb,"   "Get Funky," "Ram Sam Sam," "The Boogaloo Song," and many many more.

The concert also had a surprise where Don invited the teachers and myself to pick a child to go up to the stage with us.  He thanked teachers and substitutes like myself for all we do for the children.  He then launched into their international hit song "Tony Chestnut" where we did the movements on stage with him.

"The More We Get Together" had children singing, dancing, and pointing at me and the concert ended with "Singing In The Rain" as a super Kindergarten teacher pulled me near the stage and we danced together.

Thank you to Don, Laurie, and Jan for picking me to win this special free concert and giving the children a fun way to end their school year.  We all had a blast!

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