
Friday, October 18, 2013

Positive Fridays - Week of October 14th, 2013

Wow, another Friday has come and gone.  I hope everyone has had as great of a week as I have!  Sorry I have not blogged except for my Positive Friday posts, but I've been so busy!

I'm so tired that I'm just going to group the main positives together this time rather than go day by day.

  • One student's father told me to be sure to check his daughter's folder, she made me something.  She made me a beautiful card and drew all the pictures.  One of her sisters, a 6th grader wrote me the most amazing letter telling me how nice she thinks I am.  Both of them gave me a hug.  They totally knew how to fill my bucket!  
  • I also received a nice e-mail from a parent telling me how much her son loves my class.  The same child I was told didn't talk much at all until he came to my room.  For me he raises his hand to ask for a drink, answer questions in class, and talks to me and the other children.  
  • Another boy who I was told would be a tough cookie due to temper tantrums has only cried once for moving his clip.  All of the other days he has been with me he has been terrific and often moves his clip up for positive behavior!
  • This week we focused on the letter Pp.  We made a pig puppet and glued pretzels on the letter Pp.  I also lined children up in 2 different lines with Pp, Mm, and Ss cards all mixed up and the first child in the line to get the sound correct got the point for their team.  The children love this little game!  In Math, we finished our 3D shape unit and worked on numbers 0 to 3.  In Social Studies, we learned about the different seasons and how apple trees change.  In Science, we learned about different tools to use to investigate our senses.  
  • My teammates continue to be a huge help as I get adjusted to a new school and school district.  The same can be send about administration, office staff, teachers, custodians, parents, etc.  Everyone is so very friendly and helpful!
  • My students are well behaved and doing better and better at learning how to follow directions quickly so we can get to more and more fun stuff!
Don't forget to leave your positives in the comments.  I truly do enjoy reading them.

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling.

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