
Friday, October 25, 2013

Positive Fridays - Week of October 24th, 2013

We made it to another Friday.  Whohohooooooooooo!  The weather here in FL turned a bit cool on Thursday.  We'll see how long that last.

This week we went on our first field trip.  I had 3 wonderful chaperons who helped make the field trip a success.  I'm used to only having one chaperon and that is usually my mother so having 3 is incredible!  I had 2 others that wanted to go, but hadn't passed the background check yet, they waited too long to turn in the paperwork unfortunately.  Hopefully, next time the other 2 can help, but 3 was enough this trip.  We went to the Pumpkin Patch.  The children listened to a story on pumpkins and saw the inside of a pumpkin and each got to feel some of the seeds.  I bought them each a small pumpkin to take home!

They are getting so good at Class Yes.  This is the most amazing way to get student's attention that I have found yet.  They do an awesome job of stopping immediately and most fold their hands right away and keep their mouths closed after saying Yes!  Check out Whole Brain Teaching if you don't know what Class Yes is.

Another positive I finally had my entire class on Thursday.  One poor girl was sick for 6 days with the flu and high temperature and then on Wednesday she came back and another child was out.

This week we learned about Matter and the properties of Matter.  We also learned counting to 5 and different ways to make the number 4 and 5.  In Reading, we learned about maps and how to help out in the community.  We also reviewed the letters I had taught them so far and their sight words.  They love highlighting their sight words in their readers.

The amazing music and media teachers helped get my projector to show DVDs and VHS tapes on Thursday afternoon so I can now show my The Learning Station videos!  Hopefully soon we'll get it to work on the computer and document camera.

The bookkeeper was also sensational helping me place orders for some classroom materials that I need like construction paper.  :-)

I'm looking forward to a great Friday and a super week next week.  Be sure to leave me your positives.

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling.

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