
Friday, October 11, 2013

Positive Fridays - Week of October 7th, 2013

TGIF everyone!  I hope you all had a terrific week, I sure did, I'm having the time of my life.

If you missed my announcement I got a job an hour away teaching Kindergarten in Volusia County.  Last Friday, and this Monday and Tuesday I spent the time getting my room set up and observing the Kindergarten classrooms.  I also went in on Saturday since they offered me the chance to do so.  Tuesday, I had the chance to meet the group of students that I will teach all year and gave them a small party with a gift bag.  They had so much fun!  I also met two of the parents on Tuesday!

Wednesday, I finally got to have the class on my own and it was a short day so they got out an hour early. Worked well to transition them in.
  • I made the day completely fun for them without much academics to get them super excited.  I read stories including No, David!, How Do You Fill A Bucket?, etc.  They also had fun playing with puzzles, drawing things they like to do for "All About Me", and we played a few rounds of Alphabet Bingo.
  • I also taught them my rules using Whole Brain Teaching, the scoreboard, mirror and mirror with words.  They caught on pretty quickly and did a great job with the hand gestures, and super good with Class/Yes!  I also introduced the clip chart system and had 3 on the top, which in my class is Role Model by the end of the short day!  
  • Some of the kids told me early in the day that they were so glad they are in my class!  I told them if they keep behaving the way they are, they will learn a bunch, and they will get to have a ton of fun every single day!
  • We also danced to many songs from The Learning Station!  They especially loved "Baby Shark" and "Boom Chicka Boom!"  We did "Baby Shark" twice in fact!
  • I have such great amazing teammates, they are willing to help with anything and have answered so many questions from me.
  • Administration, custodians, office staff, and other teachers have also been unbelievably helpful and very friendly.  They all want to help.
  • I had several other kids from other classrooms tell me they wish they were in my classroom.
Thursday, was my first full regular school hour day with the children!
  • We read "Jag" by LeAnn Rimes, worked on learning the letter and sound for "S", glued sunflower seeds on the letter "S", which the children totally thought was awesome and loved to eat the seeds, did a 5 senses booklet, played alphabet bingo, and learned the names of 3D shapes and some things in the classroom that are 3D.
  • The children were very well behaved again for me including 2 children who were supposed to be challenging children.  Either it's still the honeymoon phase or these 2 children just need a positive male influence.  Both have told me that they like me and are glad they are in my classroom!  All of the children continue to smile and seem very excited to be with me, even though they do miss their teacher they had before and their friends.  We did get to see some of them on the playground.
  • Administration continues to be super supportive.  The principal watched my class through the window and praised me by saying my students were on the floor listening with hands folded in their laps and later at their desk and all were engaged and working hard.  She said they seemed really happy.
  • The other teachers and office staff continue to be super duper helpful as I transition to a new school and district.
  • If the year continues as it is my first two days, this is probably my best class since my first year of teaching.  I truly love this group of children, they are so much fun!  Their parents have raised great children!
Friday's positives will be posted next week.  I hope your week went well, feel free to post your positives as I love reading them and getting ideas from you!  I apologize for not blogging much, but I have been staying late at school and coming home to eat dinner after an hour drive.  Pictures of the room are coming!

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling!

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