
Friday, December 20, 2013

Positive Fridays - Week of December 16th, 2013

Wow, this first semester has flown by!  The kids are home and it is teacher work day for me, my amazing principal did not schedule any meetings so I can work in my room.  Yahoooooo!  I wish everyone a great last Friday before Christmas!  I hope your shopping is done.

This week was filled with tons of fun and learning!

  • The part I like least about Kindergarten is the 1 on 1 assessment as I'd rather be teaching them during small groups during that time, but it is part of the job and I am so thankful that we do not loads of required tests and can assess how we want.  My assessment showed that 9 of my 16 students know every letter of their alphabet.  4 know all, but 1 letter with 3 of them just missing typewritten g!  2 more know all, but 3 letters, and 1 missed 8.  I have 1 struggler, but she is up from 35 to 39 is a new student and has missed several days so I am proud of the progress she has made!
  • 5 of my students know all their letter sounds.  The rest are very close, except for the one new student.  I can't wait to see the amazing progress I know she will make!  15 of 16 know all of their numbers to 10.  The other one knows all, but 1 number!  3 now know all of their sight words that we teach for the year and many I have not even covered yet!  Another knows all, but 2!
  • I am so thankful that the parents of my students are helping them at home.  When we all work together great things are achieved as I am witnessing!
  • We had a blast on Tuesday learning about Holidays Around The World.  The students went to a different class every 45 minutes.  I taught them about Kwanzaa and Africa.  I had 5 groups of Kindergartners, many were excited to have me teach them a lesson as they knew me before I got the job!
  • I made a big hit with my reindeer antlers and red glowing nose!  I even wore it on picture day, but took it off for the picture, then was begged to put it on for another picture.  I can't wait to see it!  I think it is going in the yearbook.  Teachers and children in all grades hooted with laughter and told me they loved it!  The same with the amazing office staff!
  • Parents really came through for our party as I got way more than I knew was coming in.  The children loved eating all of the cupcakes, candy, chips, cookies, etc.  It was a ton of fun!  I overheard several of my kids saying how nice I am, I threw the best party ever, I'm the greatest teacher ever, etc.  I don't think they even knew I heard them!  It melts my heart to hear things like that from children.
  • I also got some wonderful gifts from the children and their parents.  I am so appreciative of them thinking of me.  
I'll be back in 3 weeks for the next Positive Friday as we are off on vacation until January 7th.  Have a great break everyone!

Share your positives in the comments.  Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings!  Keep on smiling!

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