
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Get Your Class Quiet!

Do you ever need your students to stay quiet for a predetermined amount of time?  I'm sure we all do at some point.  I found a neat idea on Pinterest (I've seen several versions and I'm not sure who first came up with it) to make "Quiet Critters."  This is a fun DIY to make!

Using felt, a pom pom, and googly eyes is all it takes to make a quiet critter.  Put one on each student's desk or in front of them at their table when you need them to be quiet.  Any student who stays quiet the whole time (unless they raise their hand) gets a treat of some sort or a special privilege from you.

I decided to make mine all one color so there isn't fighting over who gets what color.

Classroom Management, Quiet, Character

I am hoping to get a job so I can give this idea a try in the classroom!  School starts Monday so it looks like it will be after the class size count again.

Do you have any tips and tricks to share on how you get your students quiet for a long period?

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.  Keep on smiling! 


  1. I like to play music to quiet them down, Tiajuana Brass is great! Also I play classical. It only works for two songs... then they start chatting again. Two songs is not bad for six year olds!

    1. I have not heard of Tiajuana Brass. I will have to check that out. Yeah I know nothing will keep 6 year olds quiet for long, but even if it is 2 songs, that is great! :D
