
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Music in Literature Plus Brain Break Giveaway

It has been quite some time since I've had a giveaway and also awhile since I have done a review on a CD from The Learning Station.  As many of you who follow me know, I do work with them in social media.  These opinions though are still completely of my own.

The Learning Station's website, blog, and store

Many teachers like to tie stories into many activities besides comprehension.  One fun unique way is to tie in literature with music!  The Learning Station has an amazing CD called "Literacy in Motion."  There are 20 songs that correlate with very popular children's literature.

"Wild Things" goes with the popular book "Where The Wild Things Are," "The Giving Song" correlates with the book "The Giving Tree", "Goldilocks and the 3 Bears" goes with the book of the same name and "Head to Toe Dance" is a fun brain break that goes with Eric Carle's popular book "From Head To Toe."

They have a video for "Hungry Caterpillar," another popular book by Eric Carle "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  My Kindergarten children loved this song last year.  One of my personal favorites is "Green Eggs and Ham" with the song by the same name.  Other favorites, which also have videos on YouTube include: "Old McDonald," "Five Little Monkeys," "I Know An Old Lady," "Special Friends", and "Kwanzaa."  Click the names of the songs to go to the videos!

The 2nd CD is filled with fun brain breaks.  Children need to have time to just plain have fun and rest their brain.  This gets them ready for learning!  "Brain Boogie Boosters" does just that and includes many very popular songs by The Learning Station.

"Greetings" is a great song to begin the day or when you have a new student join the class.  They recently made a Yoga video for this one.  "Move and Freeze" is a fun song that tells children how to move and then all of a sudden they have to freeze!   "Boogie Rock", the title track "Brain Boogie Boosters", and "Wadlee Atcha" are fun movement songs that are bound to be favorites in your class.  "Itsy Bitsy Spider", the popular nursery rhyme is a fun movement activity to be done with a partner.  Be sure to also check out the Yoga videos for "It's a Marvelous Day," and "Brain Breaks."  "I Gotta Go" is a great song to teach your students proper bathroom procedures in a fun way!  "Skip Count" is a fun song to help teach an essential math skill in skip counting.  My favorite on this CD has to be "You Are Heart" a song with a beautiful message and the children in the video will bring a smile to your face.

 * Please note the videos do not come with the CDs.  You may view them on YouTube by clicking on the titles.

Are you ready to win these 2 incredible CDs?  You can enter by following the directions in the Rafflecopter app.  Do as little or as many entries that you would like.  Be sure to follow The Learning Station on Facebook!  The contest runs for 5 full days from September 25th at midnight Eastern Time Zone until September 30th at midnight.  A winner will be chosen from all CORRECT entries.  You will have 48 hours to respond to the e-mail or a new winner will be chosen. 

***All comments are moderated, they will not show up right away on my blog.  It is the only way to allow users to post without having an account without me getting spammed.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings!  Keep on smiling!



  1. I know an old lady is a favorite song.

    Twila C.

  2. I need a new "Greetings" song.


    1. That's a great one, be sure to check it out on YouTube! Good luck!

  3. Singing in the Rain! :)
    Kathy Brosch (Ansara)

    1. That one isn't on these two CDs, but it is a good one! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  4. I have tried to leave a comment several times and never did see it show up so maybe this one will work. I love all the songs on brain boogie boosters!!! I'm not sure if I have heard any from literacy in motion. But the learning station is awesome!! Alysha O.

    1. The other comments did not go through, but this one did. I have all comments moderated, I have to ok it when I get the e-mail. Sorry, it stops my posts from being spammed. Check out the video links for the songs from Literacy of Motion that I provided. Good luck!

  5. Brain Breaks (the song)
