
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tutoring Tuesdays - April 11th, 2017

Welcome to tutoring Tuesdays! I really tutor on Thursday afternoons, but this gives me more time to show some things I worked on the previous week and possibly other sessions when I don't tutor. Pictures were taken before or after tutoring. Currently I tutor a 1st grader so these will be primary activities. These activities will work well in the classroom and for home school students too.

One of my favorites to use during tutoring is the game Bump! Bump is a fun engaging game where children roll a die (dice) or a spinner and cover the number on the game board (or word if a reading game). Then the next player goes. If the same child gets the same number (or word) twice they place a 2nd cube or counter (same color) on it and then that space is locked. If anyone gets it again they simply lose their turn. However, if there is only one on the space and the other player gets the same number or word they bump them off and take the space! This game can take 10 minutes or a half an hour. Here is a free one that we played yesterday perfect for Easter. Easter Baskets Subtracting from 13 Bump.

FREEBIE Easter Subtracting from 13 Bump

I also worked on Easter Addition 2 Digit Regrouping Task Cards using bunny task cards. I placed a game board that comes with the 30 task cards to make it more fun. Children solve an equations and  roll one die and move that spaces on the game board. If they land on a snake they go back to start, but if they land on a chick they get to roll or spin again. This game also comes with bunny spinners. I forgot to take a picture of that.

Easter Addition 2 Digit Regrouping Task Cards

Easter Addition 2 Digit Regrouping Task Cards

I have a lot of task cards and race games in my store for addition, subtraction, multiplication, sight words, fluency phrases, etc. They are a favorite of kids!

I finally we worked on some Addition and Subtraction Word Problems to 10. I gave her one task card at a time and she solved it on a dry erase board showing how to solve it.

Addition and Subtraction to 10 Word Problems Task Cards

Thank you for hoppin by' Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings! Keep on smiling!

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