We started tutoring with fractions of a whole number with a denominator of 5 through 9 using my Fractions of a Whole Number Task Cards. This resource now contains 48 task cards with denominators of 2 through 9! There are 2 recording sheets and answer keys.
Next we worked on adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. Yes she is a 3rd grader! We used my Adding and Subtracting Fractions Task Cards. There are 24 task cards in color only, but they easily print in grey scale as you can see below. I have included a recording sheet and answer key.
We finished tutoring doing a few problems on converting and adding or subtracting cups and pints where she had to change the cups to pints or the pints to cups. We used my Adding and Subtracting Cups and Pints Task Cards. I will admit it yes right here on my blog that I am human and I had the conversions mixed up. She drew a diagram to prove to me she was correct! I realized I had switched them and it showed me that she truly knew understood the skill since she was able to teach me! I was so proud of her. The answer key has been corrected as I had 2 proofreaders so no worries there. There is a recording sheet and answer key.
Thank you for hoppin' by Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings! Keep on smiling!
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